The Golfing Machine’s Division of Biomechanics and Sports Science offers texts and coursework tailored to the Authorized Instructor, Golf Professional, Health Professional, and Fitness Professional. Together, this material along with The Golfing Machine text and the Illustrated Atlas of Musculoskeletal Anatomy text will provide a multi-disciplinary perspective on the role of the human body in the application of patterns of motion seen in the golf stroke.
A Closer Look at BIA™:
Biomechanical Integration Approach™ (BIA™) serves as the link between Golf Instruction, Golf Performance, and Golf Rehabilitation, helping professionals in all three fields serve the ever increasing population of golfers who play with a pre-existing array of physical limitations. By “integrating” the common languages of The Golfing Machine with that of the science, health, and conditioning world greater understanding and insight into the “best practices” for each golf participant may be implemented as well as strong relationships, partnerships, and a sense of a “shared responsibility” for improving the ability and capability of today’s golfer.
How does BIA™ differ from some other “golf” biomechanics or exercise programs in the marketplace?
First and most importantly BIA™ bases all education and material offered from Homer Kelley’s Golfing Machine material. The Golfing Machine has been the leader in golf instruction and has provided the most comprehensive collection of golf science and research information ever.
BIA™ is based on a clinical and diagnostic system where the technique or science of golf is the basis by which evaluation of the golfer flows moving from technique to performance and finally to conditioning. It is the first golf performance system to adjust the anatomical planes to the oblique orientation of the golfer while stationary and in motion. This makes the evaluation of golf club pathway (stroke pattern) and golfer pattern of movement a simultaneous process by which relevant relationships between errors of execution in technique can be immediately related to golfer performance dysfunctions. This merging of technique and performance is the basis of TGM-BIA™ Fusion.
BIA™ like TGM offers professionals many options and versatility in creating programming for golfers. BIA™ separates performance from conditioning rather than approaching them as interchangeable. The program establishes a uniform “golf diagnostic” language and professional verbiage that is common to all associated professionals. With all professionals “speaking the same language” the golfer is able to receive the care, expertise, and sports specific instruction, treatment, performance, or conditioning that is complementary and not adversarial.